the hardest job in the world

I’m keeping you warm, covered, hopefully as comfortable as possible but you probably don’t know, or care. Your brain stopped working within an hour of your wreck. Your mother, brother, sister all cried, and then left you with me. I just heard, now all we need is an operating suite to harvest your organs. As […]

Top ten most viewed pages on Wikipedia and Conservapedia – Boing Boing

Top ten most viewed pages on Wikipedia and Conservapedia Here are the top ten most viewed pages on Wikipedia: Main Page [30,090,900] Wiki [904,800] Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows [413,400] Naruto [401,400] Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock [396,000] United States [330,000] Wikipedia [329,400] Deaths in 2007 [321,300] Heroes (TV series) [307,500] Transformers (film) […]

on eating local

what is local food? Local This is food grown by local farmers who dislike you because you’re living in the subdivision that used to be prime farmland owned by their grandparents. Local food may be purchased at farm stands, which is where your children will someday be buying pot. If you buy local organic foods, […]

j2 says

upon farting on him, j2 says: chris, we really should stop doing that. me: why? j2: it really doesn’t smell good.

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