missing weekends

sometimes, you just really really really want two days off in a row… listening to Cygnus….Vismund Cygnus from the album “Frances The Mute” by The Mars Volta new books! “Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers” (Mary Roach, Shelly Frasier) “The Fabric of the Cosmos : Space, Time, and the Texture of Reality” (Brian Greene) […]

what is a "pastor"?

what is a pastor? this morning, marti referred to jesse and kati as “pastors”, like usual — but when jesse (re)introduced himself, he said “leaders”. i believe there is a difference here that is important. perhaps the “pastor” word is too cliched to use anymore in its original sense, but isn’t it supposed to imply […]

The One we work for

Dallas Willard ARTICLES: The One we work for and with has placed in our hands the keys to the Kingdom of the Heavens. (Matt 16:19) Setting aside centuries of ecclesiastical controversy over the meaning of this passage, we need to simply understand that our confidence in Jesus as the one who “has say over all […]

absolutes are for siths

EC05: Star Wars…: After a bit of a circus trying to get to the theatre to see Star Wars Episode III last night – we finally arrived and got there just in time. What a film – I won’t say anything about it here, but…yah. Pretty amazing thing. One thing is for sure: “absolutes are […]

"christian" junk mail

we got this atrocious “prayer handkerchief” thingamabob in the mail today. it doesn’t come right out and ask for money, but wow does it come right out and let me know i’m glad i’m not like the people who sent it to me.