Technorati Tags: cameraphone, canal, indiana, indianapolis, indy, walk
wilco in indianapolis
just got out of the wilco show at the murat theater in indianapolis. amazing show, it was. i’m not super familiar with wilco, and never would have thought of buying tickets myself, but my friend greg’s wife got the flu, and he suddenly had one available, so i went with. i dunno how i missed […]
wilco on stage
Technorati Tags: cameraphone, concert, indiana, indianapolis, indy, murat, wilco
contacts gave up the ghost
so, i’ve now used my last pair of contacts. they’re the disposable kind, and i am only supposed to wear them for about two weeks — 4 times a week. but i’ve been wearing this pair pretty much everyday for two months. 😀 in any case, today i was working at starbucks and realized i […]
one of my favorite things about depression
is random, unexpected, crying. in public. awesome. Technorati Tags: crying, depression, public, starbucks
forgot sister’s birthday
drat. happy birthday, mando. oops. Technorati Tags: birthday, me, photos, sister
stages of haircuts 1991 – 1995
i recently uncovered my old journals, and have begun the process of scanning them for archive purposes. i will share some of them here, as it seems appropriate/fun. here’s one i like: stages of hair (originally created october 26, 1996 – click for fullsize) Listening to: Slash Dot Dash from the album “Palookaville” by Fatboy […]
divine intervention
I don’t know where I’m gonna liveDon’t know if I’ll find a placeI’d have to think about it someAnd that I do not wish to faceI guess I’m counting on hisDivine intervention I cannot understand my godI don’t know why it gets to meOne day my life is filled with joyAnd then we find we […]
i have worn out the N key
the “N” key on my powerbook is getting worn out. it has been happening for some time, and i’ve been trying to figure out why “N” specificially. i mean, obviously you use “command + n” a lot when using an apple, but what about the way i am hitting this key has made it wear […]
trogdor growling
it’s weird: trog is growling randomly out the back sliding door this morning. and when i took him out to pee, he like to never settled down enough to do it. i think maybe there’s a bigfoot out there… O_o Listening to: Blues By Five from the album “Cookin’ With The Miles Davis Quintet” by […]
i have been thirsty lately
i have found myself needing to drink a lot of water. like, lots and lots. i hate when melted ice leaves little white floaties at the bottom of a glass. *blech* Listening to: My Funny Valentine from the album “Cookin’ With The Miles Davis Quintet” by Miles Davis Quintet
sleep, exercise and food.
i don’t think i’ve been to sleep before 3am at any time in the last two weeks. i have not been getting up at the same time every morning like i ought to. but i haven’t stopped running, and that’s good having a clean kitchen and “real” food around is great. i did accidently let […]
last day on lexapro, zoloft coming up
it is about nine pm, which is meds time for me. i have an alarm on my cellphone that goes off three times, every five minutes, at 7pm, and then three more times at 8:55pm. this helps me to remember to take them, every single day — because for SSRIs, missing a dose is bad […]
future glory
ESV Bible Online: Passage: romans 8 Future Glory For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God. For the creation was subjected to futility, not […]