The Associated Press: Chimp owner begs police in 911 call to stop attack

Herold, a widow whose daughter was killed in a car accident several years ago, told the Today Show that the incident was “a freak thing.”
She said Travis “couldn’t have been more my son than if I gave birth to him,” and rejected criticism that chimpanzees are inappropriate pets.
“It’s a horrible thing, but I’m not a horrible person and he’s not a horrible chimp.” she said.
The unexplained attack was uncharacteristic of Travis, a veteran of TV commercials who could eat at the table, drink wine from a stemmed glass, use the toilet, and dress and bathe himself.
Don Mecca, a family friend from Colchester, N.Y., said Herold fed the chimp steak, lobster, ice cream and Italian food.

The Associated Press: Chimp owner begs police in 911 call to stop attack

8 thoughts on “The Associated Press: Chimp owner begs police in 911 call to stop attack

  1. GruntDoc Blog Archive Chimp atctak 911 call: He&ac ( February 18, 2009Chimp atctak 911 call: He s ripping her apart Conklin said the chimp had been acting rambunctious earlier, prompting Herold to put Xanax in a cup of tea for him to drink. He did not kno

  2. Censuré deux fois, les bras m’en tombent !1) Pour un commentaire sur l’absence ou présence de rog (donc le micro-perti de la dérogation et et celui de la rogation, c’est logique).2) Pour un commentaire notant cette première censure.Tout ceci alors que très récemment les pires insanités racistes ont été proférées dans une rubrique précédente sans provoquer de réaction particulière.Messieurs les modérateurs ne vous gênez pas, allez-y de votre troisième coup de ciseau, aussi inepte que les deux premiers.

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