One day, translating will feel like rotation

There are some 6,800 unique languages in use today. Not every word translates perfectly, and meaning sometimes falls through the cracks. For instance, there is no English translation for the Japanese wabi-sabi—the idea of finding beauty in imperfection—or for the German waldeinsamkeit, the feeling of being alone in the woods. Different fields of science, too, […]

Actually, Gen X Did Sell Out, Invent All Things Millennial, and Cause Everything Else That’s Great and Awful – The New York Times

We did not get there by slacking. We just have our own way of enjoying life. “As for our notorious hustle-to-debt ratio, it speaks to a generational lifestyle ambition that often exceeds our career ambition,” Jason Tesauro (b. 1971), the food writer behind the Modern Gentleman series of advice books, wrote in an email. “I’ve published, accomplished, […]

In Celebration of “Norm!”

It just occurred to me in the “everyman” character, Norm, was, in fact, a narrative device to normalize the behaviour that he exhibited — go to bar, sit with friends, discuss meaningful shit in meaningless ways. The other patrons’ response to Norm walking in to Cheers, specifically, is. It’s not a hypernormalization, mind you — they’re […]

On the idea that consciousness creates 4D reality from a 2D hologram

I’m blocked on all my current tasks at work so I went to MacNiven’s to take a break, and, like I do, I’m reading a physics book. This one is about the various “Universe as Holographic Information” hypotheses. Short version The deepest reality of our universe is two-dimensional hologram, one of Space and one of […]