You were born with a brain that makes you feel like you need to defend your ideas, even when you know you are wrong.
You were born with a brain that makes you feel like you need to defend your ideas, even when you know you are wrong.
The liner notes on this album convinced me to be a vegetarian, in 1996 — which lasted not-quite three years. Everything Is Wrong (album link on Songwhip) Moby titled the album Everything Is Wrong and wrote its extensive accompanying liner notes as a means of expressing some ideas that he felt were important to him, […]
You are a Computationally Bounded Observer, with a Vector, a Speed, a Point of View, and, a structure that enables all of this to “surf” from the past into the future, along A Given Trajectory through the great Mishmash. The History of Your World is comprised of your memories: formed of the physical connections caused […]
So, I know the rule is Don’t Talk About the Blog on the Blog, but, I have decided I need a new “term”, a new “mental frame” to describe a state, or mode, of being that I find myself operating in at times, THE SCRAMBLE. Like many of the terms I coin, this one is […]
I don’t know whether you have AirPods Pro or not, but if you do you may be interested in this, which I only recently learned. Turning noise canceling to off saves hella battery, and that is because it disables a lot of the signal processing. For music you truly care about listening to, at least […]
The tension (tanos) between “the I” and “the Me” is something all humans live constantly with, even if they never notice the tension, let alone make an intentional study of. This self in the mirror (Behold! It is I! Whomst is Brushing Minest Teeth!), this self we refer to in the third-person (I), this… thing […]
I am unsure if “G_d” is a thing that is aware of itself, but, my behaviour attempts to account for it being true.
Filled with flashbacks to Jerry and George’s days in high school, this episode finds both characters haunted by their past as Jerry is hounded by a library cop for a book he allegedly didn’t return in 1971 and George is convinced a homeless man is his old atomic-wedgie-giving gym teacher. Meanwhile, Kramer becomes involved with […]
While meditating today (Waking Up app, Sam Harris, eyes open, 20 min session) I was entering rigpa (? Maybe?) and alternated shutting one eye, and then the other, in order to get a sense of the different points of view (are there two of me in here ?) and noticed anew that I can always […]
In honor of World Book Day 2020, I made a page showing my entire Kindle collection.
Given a list of ideas, which also has some “pseudo-notation” that may be more harmful than helpful, but I think is helping me: I would like to understand something meaningful about Y. Y seems to me to be dependent upon something about it’s relationship with an unknown, labeled X. Y|~X “Y given unknown entity X” […]
Maybe even better, “it gathers”. There is not “a source of attention” that “points” attention somewhere. Rather attention itself gathers in clumps, providing salience as, and of, something that seems like “a coherent group that notices itself”. Attention is the single resource in the universe that can be leveraged to introduce novelty into the system.
Since a 3-D object can only contain as much information as can be encoded on its surface, then, I predict that the brain is fractal, when you get down to the surface area.