I’m glad that the evidence here matches what I want to be true.

Conclusion Coffee consumption seems generally safe within usual levels of intake, with summary estimates indicating largest risk reduction for various health outcomes at three to four cups a day, and more likely to benefit health than harm. Robust randomised controlled trials are needed to understand whether the observed associations are causal. Importantly, outside of pregnancy, […]

In Celebration of “Norm!”

It just occurred to me in the “everyman” character, Norm, was, in fact, a narrative device to normalize the behaviour that he exhibited — go to bar, sit with friends, discuss meaningful shit in meaningless ways. The other patrons’ response to Norm walking in to Cheers, specifically, is. It’s not a hypernormalization, mind you — they’re […]

On the idea that consciousness creates 4D reality from a 2D hologram

I’m blocked on all my current tasks at work so I went to MacNiven’s to take a break, and, like I do, I’m reading a physics book. This one is about the various “Universe as Holographic Information” hypotheses. Short version The deepest reality of our universe is two-dimensional hologram, one of Space and one of […]

Delightful post about a paper about a mad fast streaming regex engine called Hyperscan

Capturing subexpressions: at once stage we had an experimental product that (in block mode only, not streaming) could accurately model libpcre’s capturing semantics. This worked by scanning the data backwards with a backwards version of the pattern, making a trace of the states visited, and tracing forwards through the backward state trace in order to […]

The old fashioned way: we earn it

I love this twitter thread from Alexandra Erin, whom often writes things I like reading. One quote from it: And you know, this is just one of the many things that would be simpler to solve if we had universal cash benefits/universal basic income. Easiest way to make sure everybody we need to run a […]