you don’ have to be no gang-staaaaarrrrrr

sometimes the web brings you some things you simply. can. not. believe. something so incredibly, deliciously, amazingly, terrifically stupid that you think “this has to be a joke, right? right??” but, no, it is no joke. so, be warned, what you are about to experience is astoundingly, blindingly, crazily horrible. yet. can’t. stop. listening. some […]

found flickr set: Broad Ripple Architecture

Broad Ripple Architecture, originally uploaded by astrangevictory. there is an area of town, here in indianapolis, known as “broadripple villiage” that has lots of absolutely beautiful homes, especially in the meridian & kessler area (and surrounding). this flickr set captures the feel of this area wonderfully, on what was apparently a beautiful day.