George Will: It’s not over till it’s over? Clinton strikes out | | The Indianapolis Star

my wife pointed out this article in the dead tree edition this morning — thought i’d call out this phrase: Or perhaps she wins if Obama’s popular vote total is, well, adjusted by counting each African-American vote as only three-fifths of a vote. There is precedent, of sorts, for that arithmetic (see the Constitution, Article […]

“Dispatches From Flyover Country” – LAUREN BRUCE in The American Prospect

I recall President Bush visiting Indiana several times in the last eight or nine years for ‘his man Mitch,’ aka Gov. Mitch Daniels who has done his part to run this state into the ground just like his mentor did the country. But until last month no Democrat with presidential aspirations really bothered to pay […]

Indiana superdelegate defects to Obama – 2008 Presidential Campaign Blog – Political Intelligence –

Barack Obama is receiving the support of another high-profile superdelegate in Indiana, former Democratic National Committee Chairman Joe Andrew, who is switching from Hillary Clinton’s camp. Andrew, who was appointed DNC chief by Bill Clinton, had endorsed Hillary Clinton when she announced her bid last year. But in a letter to fellow superdelegates, Andrew says […]

Obama Hope print by Shepard Fairey

Obama Hope print by Shepard Fairey Originally uploaded by PEEL saw this at the alias gallery on friday night — at $200 it was hard NOT to buy it. but, has one similar for $70 — and the money goes to his campaign, so that one we’ll buy.