more on caffeine and starbucks

a table of caffeine amounts in popular starbucks drinks Name of Drink Ounces Milligrans per/mg Bottled Frappucino 9.5 90 9.47 Double Shot 6.5 130 20.00 Grande Caffe Americano 16 174 10.88 Grande Caffe Latte 16 116 7.25 Grande Caffe Mocha 16 116 7.25 Grande Cappuccino 16 116 7.25 Grande Coffee 16 372 23.25 Grande Decaf […]

more on starbucks

today was my second real shift at starbucks. i have never had a job with less downtime — WOW is it busy, the entire damn time. it’s hell of fun though. the register is not nearly as overwhelming to run as i had feared — the interface is actually very well designed (even if it […]


today i start my first shift at starbucks. yeee-hah. :-/ while it is nice, after almost a month of putting in applications, to finally be starting a job, it is daunting to be faced with the fact that for the first time in almost two years i will now have a schedule to stick to, […]