bike to work day

tomorrow is bike to work day, and i am excited.

when i started riding a bike to work i never imagined how much i would get into it.

there are some days when j1 has a softball game or something else comes up that requires me being picked up right at 5 pm at work, and leaving my bike behind, and then if we get out of whatever activity it is too late, i can not retrieve my bike and ride home, which means being dropped off at work the next morning.

it’s not the worst thing in the world, but i really really miss my ride in on those days.

so tomorrow is ride to work day and i am geeked about it.

free breakfast provided by the south bend chocolate company and scores of other bikers all on the circle raising awareness of the benefits of commuting by bike.

i like the list on the INbikePort site:

  1. Fight pollution
  2. Automobiles produce toxic substances that pollute the ground, air and water
  3. Burning fossil fuels creates CO2 that contributes to global warming
  4. Automobiles also produce noise pollution
  5. Stay fit
  6. Bicycle commuting allows you to include your workout in your daily schedule
  7. Riding a bike instead of your car sitting in traffic is less stressful
  8. Staying in better shape will decrease your chances of getting sick
  9. Avoid traffic delays
  10. Off-road trails, bike lanes and wide curb lanes allow you to ride past traffic
  11. Bike commuting takes less time when you account for car parking and traffic
  12. Longer rides can result in less traffic and more enjoyment of your commute
  13. Save money
  14. Maintenance costs for your automobile will decrease, as will your gas bill
  15. You will save money on parking (and tickets)
  16. You won’t have to have a membership to a gym to workout
  17. Enjoy your commute
  18. Arrive at work refreshed and full of energy; ride off stress after work
  19. Commuting under your own power gives you a sense of accomplishment
  20. Take the long way home and ride through a park or along a local river

one thing i love is, during lunchtime, going and riding around the canal:


especially useful on the canal is my new “i heart my bike” bell. (buy your own!)

and now i’m going to enjoy my wine and my girl and say goodnight.

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