You are a Computationally Bounded Observer, with a Vector, a Speed, a Point of View, and, a structure that enables all of this to “surf” from the past into the future, along A Given Trajectory through the great Mishmash. The History of Your World is comprised of your memories: formed of the physical connections caused […]
I don’t find any reason why G_d would have any better answer to “I…?” than I do.
The tension (tanos) between “the I” and “the Me” is something all humans live constantly with, even if they never notice the tension, let alone make an intentional study of. This self in the mirror (Behold! It is I! Whomst is Brushing Minest Teeth!), this self we refer to in the third-person (I), this… thing […]
Is there a metaphor in machine learning for the following concept?
Given a list of ideas, which also has some “pseudo-notation” that may be more harmful than helpful, but I think is helping me: I would like to understand something meaningful about Y. Y seems to me to be dependent upon something about it’s relationship with an unknown, labeled X. Y|~X “Y given unknown entity X” […]
Attention is not directed, it is gathered
Maybe even better, “it gathers”. There is not “a source of attention” that “points” attention somewhere. Rather attention itself gathers in clumps, providing salience as, and of, something that seems like “a coherent group that notices itself”. Attention is the single resource in the universe that can be leveraged to introduce novelty into the system.
Prediction: the human brains shape is fractal
Since a 3-D object can only contain as much information as can be encoded on its surface, then, I predict that the brain is fractal, when you get down to the surface area.
“A feeling of being installed crooked.”
I have done some searching, and, I have no idea how to nail down the phenomenon I’m speaking of, but ☞ “a feeling of being installed crooked” …is as close as I can get right now. Sometimes while meditating, I get a sense of being like 15° off, nearly always “to the right” (whatever that […]
The very quiet can seem more salient than the very loud. But how?
I was walking to work and while crossing over the highway I noticed that the sound of traffic below me seemed quite loud, nearly overwhelmingly so, but, somehow, even more clearly over that I could hear the subtle, faint, sound of my hair brushing against my hood, and, even though I could hear it better, […]
Bookmark ☞ How Your Brain Is Like the Cosmic Web
It is truly a remarkable fact that the cosmic web is more similar to the human brain than it is to the interior of a galaxy; or that the neuronal network is more similar to the cosmic web than it is to the interior of a neuronal body. Despite extraordinary differences in substrate, physical mechanisms, […]
Blindsight – Wikipedia
To put it in a more complex way, recent physiological findings suggest that visual processing takes place along several independent, parallel pathways. Blindsight – Wikipedia — Read on
Buggy system
Human cognition, when it is tasked with making a JUDGEMENT ABOUT X, has a bug where it reaches around blindly in the dark for any thing that makes sense and returns the very first thing it arrives at to the user — usually with an unreasonably high confidence flag that seems to be inversely proportional […]
Why the Flow of Time Is an Illusion, in Nautilus
In his book Our Mathematical Universe: My Quest for the Ultimate Nature of Reality, Max Tegmark writes that “time is not an illusion” We’ve seen a lot of examples of how things feel very different from the way they look in the equations. I would argue that almost all of the big breakthroughs in physics […]
How many of me are there in here?
I like to watch Seinfeld with the idea in mind that Jerry, George, Elaine, and, Kramer are actually all the same person. They are one person (Jerry’s) different impulses in how to deal with situations.
On the idea that consciousness creates 4D reality from a 2D hologram
I’m blocked on all my current tasks at work so I went to MacNiven’s to take a break, and, like I do, I’m reading a physics book. This one is about the various “Universe as Holographic Information” hypotheses. Short version The deepest reality of our universe is two-dimensional hologram, one of Space and one of […]
Reading: “The hard problem of consciousness is a distraction from the real one”
There is a final twist to this story. Predictive models are good not only for figuring out the causes of sensory signals, they also allow the brain to control or regulate these causes, by changing sensory data to conform to existing predictions (this is sometimes called ‘active inference’). When it comes to the self, especially […]