palin was a disaster for mccain

i seem to recall using the word “disaster” about Palin during her nomination acceptance speech, and the flood of palin bashing started there. the media was full of “bashing” (or as some of us call it, “criticism”) as soon as she entered the public stage. i have read many opinions on this, and lots of […]

Obama Won At Saddleback, In the Eyes Of This Evangelical

Moreover, when McCain said that his greatest moral failure was the break-up of his first marriage, he left out why that was his greatest moral failure — read: sin (the reason, of course, was his extra-marital affair with Cindy, his current wife). On the other hand, Obama squarely addressed his youthful sins and explained what […]

Obama To McCain: Dignify Your Campaign

One of the things that we have to change in this country is the idea that people can’t disagree without challenging each other’s character and patriotism,” he said, to applause. “I have never suggested that Senator McCain picks his positions on national security based on politics or personal ambition. I have not suggested it because […]

George Will: It’s not over till it’s over? Clinton strikes out | | The Indianapolis Star

my wife pointed out this article in the dead tree edition this morning — thought i’d call out this phrase: Or perhaps she wins if Obama’s popular vote total is, well, adjusted by counting each African-American vote as only three-fifths of a vote. There is precedent, of sorts, for that arithmetic (see the Constitution, Article […]

“Dispatches From Flyover Country” – LAUREN BRUCE in The American Prospect

I recall President Bush visiting Indiana several times in the last eight or nine years for ‘his man Mitch,’ aka Gov. Mitch Daniels who has done his part to run this state into the ground just like his mentor did the country. But until last month no Democrat with presidential aspirations really bothered to pay […]