i am sitting in my downstairs living room, re-reading harry potter and the chamber of secrets, listening to the dead texan, drinking a tanqueray & tonic, and eating tricuits with pepperjack cheese. later i will be grilling pork chops and eating broccoli.this is nice, yes yes. Technorati Tags: fun, home, life, sunday, tanqueray
i was there, kid
Yeah, I’m losing my edge.I’m losing my edge.The kids are coming up from behind.I’m losing my edge.I’m losing my edge to the kids from France and from London.But I was there. I was there in 1968.I was there at the first Cannes show in Cologne.I’m losing my edge.I’m losing my edge to the kids whose […]
tough decisions
Technorati Tags: funny, humor, myspace, satire, tom
The Confusing Country
Strangely, it tends to be the second class of animals (the Odd) that are more dangerous. The creature that kills the most people each year is the common Wombat. It is nearly as ridiculous as its name, and spends its life digging holes in the ground, in which it hides. During the night it comes […]
chickens without heads
recently i have been a busy chris. i have been stressed, tired, but also enjoying myself and my friends and family, too. today i finished my visa application form, the last form i need to complete & submit in order to enter new zealand in my quest to move there. these things take, supposedly, five-to-ten […]
i got challenged to arm wrestling last night, at a bar, in front of a big group of friends, by a guy who was, i think, trying to impress the ladies. i think he thought it’d be funny to pick on the little guy. he gave up and left after i beat him the third […]
is this thing on?
blogger claims this is fixed now. is it?
blogger sucks
blogger has been “upgrading” to a new and bettah beta version, and the switch appears to not be going all that smoothly. i have been locked out of my account for over a week — unable to login to blogger, unable to post with my blogging software, and no response from the blogger team. apparently, […]
my todo list for today
Technorati Tags: 37signals, 43folders, funny, gettingthingsdone, gtd, humor, list, monkey, monkeys, rails, ruby, rubyonrails, satire, screen, screenshot, tada, tadalist, today, todo, todolist, todotoday, yell, zoo
9/11 — "tough day, great opportunity"
Technorati Tags: dailyshow, funny, hilarious, jonstewart, politicalhumor, politics, satire, video, youtube
random shot of mitt on a segway
Sat05 – Segway, originally uploaded by Spiraling. there was a big gamer’s conference in town this weekend — gen con — and this person “spiraling” took a random shot of “someone on a segway, which i reckognized as ovenmitt. sweet.
mass destruction: a trivial undertaking, fueled by myths
We are fast approaching a time when the manufacture of weapons of mass destruction will be a trivial undertaking; the requisite information and technology are now seeping into every corner of the world. As the physicist Martin Rees points out, “We are entering an era where a single person can, by one clandestine act, cause […]
four days
it’s four days away, and i can barely wait. !! Technorati Tags: anticipation, claire, clairesherrington, excitement, holiday, soon, trip, vacation, wait