the myth of secular chaos

interesting article, from sam harris: One cannot criticize religious dogmatism for long without encountering the following claim, advanced as though it were a self-evident fact of nature: there is no secular basis for morality. Raping and killing children can only really be wrong, the thinking goes, if there is a God who says it is. […]

orca zen: killer whale and trainer

i do not want to be a web developer anymore. instead, i want to train killer whales. this job would be like having the biggest, coolest dogs on earth. i want one. Technorati Tags: career, cooljob, job, killerhwales, killers, newjob, orca, orcas, orcazen, train, trainer, trainers, training, video, youtube

whale vs kayak

“mother f…“ i first saw this a long time ago. today i’m in an orca mood though. Technorati Tags: funny, killerhwales, killers, orca, orcas, orcazen, seaworld, shamu, video, whale, whales, youtube

monkeys & locations: a chat transcript

Nikolaj de Fine Licht: white man should have left it untouched to the nativesNikolaj de Fine Licht: remaining jungle…Chris Corwin: yahNikolaj de Fine Licht: of course the creeps still think they have the right to walk all over the place… Its their place after allChris Corwin: and the natives should have left it untouched for […]

the intarwebz r made of… tubes

senator ted stevens (r-alaska) on the magickalness of the internet. They want to deliver vast amounts of information over the internet. And again, the internet is not something you just dump something on. It’s not a truck. It’s a series of tubes. via 27B Stroke 6 tube zen: Later, because of their use by governments […]

you don’ have to be no gang-staaaaarrrrrr

sometimes the web brings you some things you simply. can. not. believe. something so incredibly, deliciously, amazingly, terrifically stupid that you think “this has to be a joke, right? right??” but, no, it is no joke. so, be warned, what you are about to experience is astoundingly, blindingly, crazily horrible. yet. can’t. stop. listening. some […]

found flickr set: Broad Ripple Architecture

Broad Ripple Architecture, originally uploaded by astrangevictory. there is an area of town, here in indianapolis, known as “broadripple villiage” that has lots of absolutely beautiful homes, especially in the meridian & kessler area (and surrounding). this flickr set captures the feel of this area wonderfully, on what was apparently a beautiful day.

moving things forward

i have started reading the book getting things done by david allen — a book that kind of took the world by storm last year, but that i am just now getting to. that concept, “getting things done” is one that i’ve struggled with ever since i have had things that needed to be done. […]