monty python and the holy grail: lego style link to video Technorati Tags: camelot, funny, grail, holygrail, humor, lego, legos, montypython, movie, quicktime, song, video
Vic Divecha’s Official Tech Blog: The World of Smartboards, Sympodiums is about to change The technology is multi-touch screens, developed at NYU (as per post on the Cult of Mac blog). And the interesting part is that Apple has patented these interactions, which means… a TabletMac? Technorati Tags: apple, interaction, mac, macitosh, screen, smartboards, tablet, […]
lasso summit !
in a couple days i am heading to fort lauderdale, florida, for lasso summit, along with a bunch of other geeks: Lasso Summit Attendee KeeperTracker – unfortunately, in the interest of cost, i’m taking the friggin bus. ugh. Technorati Tags: conference, florida, fortlauderdale, ftlauderdale, Lasso, lasso, lassosummit, summit, trip
i soooo want these NOW
That company, PixelOptics of Roanoke, Virginia, just won a $3.5 million Department of Defense grant to refine its “supervision” technology, which Blum claims could double the quality of a person’s eyesight. “Theoretically, this should be able to double the distance that a person can see clearly,” he says. Wired News: Super Vision Sans Bionics Technorati […]
retro fun: mario sound board
suh wheet: mario sound board found via rocketboom Technorati Tags: board, flash, fun, mario, mariobros, mariobrothers, NES, nintendo, retro, rocketboom, sfx, sound, soundboard, swf
Jesus and Mo
Jesus and Mo Technorati Tags: cartoons, christianity, comic, comix, funny, god, humor, islam, jesus, jesusandmo, Mohammed , religion, webcomic
"code black" on grey’s anatomy could be anything, apparently
Busy Family, Healthy Family – Tips for working moms to help manage your children’s health : Every hospital or clinic has its own system for disseminating information about emergencies, and lots of them seem to use the term “Code” plus a color or number to signify exactly what kind of emergency is occurring. I know […]
steelers and seahawks
this blows. the colts should be playing right this very now. 🙁 Technorati Tags: football, forty, NFL, seahawks, steelers, sucks, superbowl
adria lambert sums up how i feel about superbowl xl
adie’s take Technorati Tags: adrealambert, colts, football, labodega, NFL, seahawks, steelers, superbowl
the official AJAX Library
finally, i have located the official AJAX library. all those other libraries are clearly jonnny-come-lately’s: Training workshops continue at the Main branch. Pre-registration is required for all courses. The February schedule features Open Lab Sessions on Sunday afternoons from 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. AJAX – Library Technorati Tags: ajax, DHTML, DOM, funny, html, humor, […]
on using the ESV bible
during the last year i have switched from the NIV to the ESV in my daily bible reading and study. the reasons i have done so are nicely summed up in the article this excerpt is from: Well, there’s much more that could be said. Eventually, we made the decision to change to the English […]
my granddad is sick
my granddad’s health is failing. he has been having trouble with “lukemia-like” symptoms for a couple years now, but lately it seems to be getting worse, fast. he’s seemingly needing blood transfusions every two weeks. 🙁 Technorati Tags: blood, granddad, grandpa, health, healthcare, lukemia, sick, symptoms, tansfusion
six blind men and the elephant
tonight was introduced to a poem that i’d never run across before It was six men of Indostan, to learning much inclinedwho went to see the elephant, though all of them were blindthat each by observation, might satisfy his mind the first approached the elephant, and happening to fallagainst the broad and sturdy side, at […]
They Might Be Giants – PopMatters Concert Review
one of my favorite bands of all time is they might be giants. i have seen them in concert more than a few times, and the story below is just one reason why i love seeing them live: Early on during They Might Be Giants’s show at Boulder’s Fox Theatre, keyboardist/accordionist/vocalist John Linnell called a […]