future glory

ESV Bible Online: Passage: romans 8 Future Glory For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God. For the creation was subjected to futility, not […]

can i get a witness?

mike payne just spoke about “needing a witness” — someone who watches and knows what it is that we do. he referenced some movie i’ve never heard of, “shall we dance?” or something, but his point was clear to me: i need to belong to someone — better to belong to god than any other […]

candles, fall, and home

the air has turned cool, and i have windows up, the heat off and candles burning. i have a beautiful black doggie laying at my feet as i type this, and there are cricket sounds outside. one of my candles smells like mulled cider and it is very pleasant in the house this evening. Listening […]


two ladies just came into starbucks, together, and they’re carrying the exact same purse. that makes me want to hit someone. i can’t explain why. Technorati Tags: coffee, ladies, purse, rage, starbucks, violence

filling the fridge

tonight i spent one hundred and forty-two dollars on groceries. before i went to the store, i emptied the fridge of all the food that was old/expired or downright useless. after that process i ended up with: butter one jar mayonnaise 42 individually wrapped string cheese packets six kinds of mustard (i don’t like mustard) […]

shopping is fun!

tonight, josh and i went shopping for an outfit for me to wear to grandmom’s funeral. we hit macy’s, DSW, and parisian, and i ended up with a brown argyle sweater, with cream and orange diamonds and blue accents, a white shirt, a light blue tie, some sort of brown pants and some shoes by […]

at the red eye cafe, downtown indianapolis

one thing about going through hard stuff when you are depressed is you are never quite sure what’s “real” sadness and what’s just your body tricking your brain into feeling sad. i suppose i should just embrace that i’m sad right now, be okay with it, and remember that i won’t always feel this way. […]

digging out eyeballs

this was originally written and posted at youthontherock.com on digging out eyeballsthis particular passage has troubled people, who don’t understand the brilliance of jesus’ teachings, for many years: You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent […]

desecration of our hearts

unlike most of the poems i post here, i didn’t write this one just now. instead, i am posting one i wrote on august 22, 1995, that i just found in a long-lost journal. it seemed fitting. desecration of our heartshas no one else noticed?did nobody mention?that death is not funnyand killing’s not entertainment? violence […]