Current methods for writing CSS require expert level ability just to get started. To become a CSS expert, you need to spend couple years coding away in your basement by yourself before you are remotely useful. Front-end engineering needs to accomodate entry level, mid level, and architect level developers, but our sites are too brittle. […]
so about six weeks ago (so early pxt 2008) I started a new ADHD med, after having gone off of sytattera in about April on an experiment in treating my symptoms with diet and exercise. vyvanse is a stimulant, but has 24 hour coverage (ish) and less pronounced side effects than previous stim-based ADHD meds, […]
Future Proof Web Design ; my presentation at LDC 2008
Future Proof Web Design View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: ldc2008 lasso) Future Proof Web Design
37signals signals the rush out of hell
IE 6 is a last-generation browser. This means that IE 6 can’t provide the same web experience that modern browsers can. Continued support of IE 6 means that we can’t optimize our interfaces or provide an enhanced customer experience in our apps. Supporting IE 6 means slower progress, less progress, and, in some places, no […]
6 Places that Flash Does Not Belong
“A couple years ago, I did a website for a large church organization that had dozens of menu items and many pages of content per menu item. They insisted on a Flash site where you never had to use the browser scroll, and at the same time, it should look just like an HTML site […]
dave hyatt on CSS3 selectors “really shouldn’t be used”
he’s right — this IS a sad truth: The sad truth about CSS3 selectors is that they really shouldn’t be used at all if you care about page performance. Decorating your markup with classes and ids and matching purely on those while avoiding all uses of sibling, descendant and child selectors will actually make a […]
new chapter starts
today was my last day working for imagenation, where i have been a web developer for just over a year. i truly enjoyed working for mark williams, the principal there, who is kind, honest with his clients and his employees and whom i never saw get angry over the “small stuff”. he was a joy […]
Your markup validator
There is almost never a good reason for you to be validating someone else’s code. Usually, if you’re validating someone else’s code, it’s because you’re being an asshole. Your markup validator Technorati Tags: markup, programing, validator, webdev
on bad web design
i am sick of bad web design. people who know me well are already chuckling at me — knowing that bed web design is something i have been sick of since, oh, 1996 or so. but just now i was trying to read a blog post. i use NetNewsWire to read blog posts with, mostly, […]
flash documentation gripe
in the flash 8 docs, we have this in example code: this.createTextField(“myTxtâ€, 20, 0, 0, 100, 20); now, i don’t know if flash allows parameter names, but this example is so unhelpful for newbies (like, the people reading docs) for so many reason. what do all those numbers mean? why aren’t they named like this? […]
fantastic news made clear by John Resig regarding the HTML5 DOCTYPE
What’s nice about this new DOCTYPE, especially, is that all current browsers (IE, FF, Opera, Safari) will look at it and switch the content into standards mode – even though they don’t implement HTML5. This means that you could start writing your web pages using HTML5 today and have them last for a very, very, […]
CSS to make text wrap
/* Browser specific (not valid) styles to make preformatted text wrap */ code { white-space: pre-wrap; /* css-3 */ white-space: -moz-pre-wrap; /* Mozilla, since 1999 */ white-space: -pre-wrap; /* Opera 4-6 */ white-space: -o-pre-wrap; /* Opera 7 */ word-wrap: break-word; /* Internet Explorer 5.5+ */ }/* Browser specific (not valid) styles to make preformatted text […]
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this has to stop
twitterific errors, a lot. i know it’s twitter’s fault, but i have errors set to “off” and it still notifies me, every single time. it’s he of annoying. also, the window never hides itself like it is supposed to. gah.