so last night i had the most amazing dream, where i could fly.
even better, it was a lucid dream (where i was aware i was dreaming, and could control the dream, but didn’t wake up) and so i had some serious fun.
i flew around, over parks, over lakes, into and through houses.
i walked into a medieval pub, and asked who wanted a beer, got a few hands raised and a few voices of “aye!” i called out, “i’m buying these men a beer!” and immediately got more hands (hahahah!)
i healed morgan freeman’s half-blown-off legs by giving him goat legs with yeti feet. he danced off gleefully.
i sneaked into the dormitory where the supermodels were lounging, nude, of course.
i fought an evil witch.
but mostly, i flew around.
it was amazing, and i hope to repeat it someday.
Technorati Tags: dream, dreaming, dreams, flying, goat, goatlegs, goats, heal, healed, healing, luciddream, morganfreeman, sleep, sleeping, supermodel, supermodels