Dog mauls girl, 7, in Westside yard |

A 7-year-old girl suffered injuries to her arm and head after a dog mauled her Thursday on the Westside, police said. Cassidy Jones was playing outside when the chow-mix dog attacked her in her family’s yard in the 1300 block of South Whitcomb Avenue about 6 p.m., according to Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department reports.The animal […]

"These guys could have done what we did…"

Here’s the thing. These guys could have done what we did. In the early days of the Internet, everyone figured the majors would build digital distribution arms. But they didn’t do it, because they didn’t understand technology, and they didn’t want to invest in building this expertise, and they were freaked out about piracy and […]

j2 says:

regarding a particularly obnoxious smell in the car, in the most sincere and sweetest six year old voice you can imagine: no! it couldn’t be mommy! she’s a beautiful and innocent mother who’s farts smell like flowers! Technorati Tags: child, children, farts, flowers, j1, j2, kid, kids

Timepedia: Top 16 missing features from iPhone

Top 16 missing features from iPhoneDon’t get me wrong, I love my iPhone, but the following annoyances, bugs, and missing features really bother me. And for a $600 device, I expect Apple to address this in future firmwares. Timepedia: Top 16 missing features from iPhone Technorati Tags: apple, iphone, safari, webdesign, webdev, webdevelopment

links for 7/2/07

Geekdad – Wired Blogs jQuery accordion » BC Sasquatch Photo? Pharyngula: Where are all the single women? The single men? – Ghetto version of Technorati Tags: linklist, links, nowreading, reading