naked man is wrong

This post-it note was stuck on a page inside Oscar Kiss Maerth’s The Beginning Was the End, a wonderful book that (seriously) advances the theory that sex-crazed, brain-eating apes were responsible for human evolution. I checked this copy out of the University at Buffalo Library. The actual text and pictures are mind-bending on their own, […]

vbscript sucks, lasso rocks

at my new job, at least one of the sites i am now tasked with taking care of uses asp/vbscript. now, i am not an expert programmer, by any stretch of the imagination. i am self-taught and i went to art school, and because of my ADD, have trouble sensing patterns, so this means my […]

bleeding soon

so my doctor is making me get blood work done, i forget what all is being tested, but it’s related to my ADD and lack of sleep. so i’m sitting in a waiting room at a hospital, anticipating some nurse sticking me with some needle. this sort of thing used to terrify me, but my […]

so i lived

and i didn’t even get nauseous when i saw that the nurse had drawn three effing vials of blood. i did, however, ask, “am i going to live? don’t i need that stuff?” Technorati Tags: blood, bloodwork, hospital

it is 4:38 am for the last time

so it’s sunday morning, and it is not quite 5 am, and i am awake. at 5:30 am starts my very last starbucks shift, and it only goes until 9:30 am, at which time i’ll be done. done. starbucks was fun, but that feels great. yesterday i went bike shopping, since my new job is […]


i am, at this very moment, i am having to re-learn how to use flash, which is now in version eight. the last time i used flash it was in version 4. things have changed. wow.

Evolutionary computer improves its hardware with genetic algorithms

Evolutionary computer improves its hardware with genetic algorithms: Cory Doctorow: Techies at the University of Oslo have built an evolutionary computer that changes its design using genetic algorithms to improve performance: What their hardware does is par up “genes” in the hardware to find the hardware design that is the most effective to accomplish the […]