who is worthy of compassion?

christianitytoday.com wrote: As Americans set new records for charitable giving in response to Hurricane Katrina, some fundraisers are seeing a principle confirmed: when the suffers are perceived as innocent victims, donors respond generously. On the other hand, giving patterns suggest donors are losing patience with chronic problems such as poverty, in which suffering is arguably […]

evolved fishies

spotted along the canal walk in indianapolis. what sticks out at me is this thing was clearly designed, but were it a real creature, we could in no way call its designer “intelligent”. more like “silly”. (btw: cameraphones suck at dark) Technorati Tags: blog, bloggers, canal, evolution, evolved, fish, fishies, indiana, indianapolis, intelligent design, statue, […]

a flicker bulb

a flickerbulb at loews, to display some lighting fixture. oddly, i couldn’t find the flicker bulbs themselves for sale, which was a bummer because i need new ones. Technorati Tags: blog, fixture, flicker bulb, flickerbulb, lighting, loews, lowes

choosing life

ESV Bible Online: Passage: Deuteronomy 30:“See, I have set before you today life and good, death and evil. If you obey the commandments of the Lord your God that I command you today, by loving the Lord your God, by walking in his ways, and by keeping his commandments and his statutes and his rules, […]

katrina and poverty from salon.com

Salon.com | Flushing out the ugly truth:What I’d really like is to see him head today for the Superdome, bring his dad, and Bill Clinton, and John Kerry and Howard Dean — any Democrat or Republican who cares, really –- and go to work, feeding and comforting the refugees and finding out what they need. […]