best. personals. ad. ever.

seen on chicago craigslist, “men seeking women”: This SBM seeks courtship & marriage to an authentic African woman. A sane one, meaning: Not affraid to live in Africa / hasn’t been in the US more than 6 months / doesn’t smoke or drink / is highly uneducated(rural not big city type) / only wears dresses […]

giant steps

so, this thing here, is amazing viewing: giant steps Listening to: Talk from the album “X&Y” by Coldplay Technorati Tags: amazing, flash, flashmovie, giantsteps, johncoltrane, michalevy,, swf, video, watch


sometimes, out of nowhere, you stumble across really good writing: We’re up late studying. It’s three a.m. and the only sounds in the room are the fan whirring and his pages turning and my pen scratching ink across the paper. The door opens every so often. It’s always the same: some kid leans his head […]

a tags experiment at flickr

recently i posted this photo of myself to flickr, and tagged it with “sexy” and “hottie” — as well as an almost identical photo, not tagged thus. the first photo, with the extra tags has over twice as many views. i find that kinda funny. Listening to: Words Of Wisdom from the album “The Best […]

let’s return to a biblical view of marriage

5. Since marriage is for life, neither the U.S. Constitution nor any state law shall permit divorce (Deut 22:19; Mark 10:9-12). 6. If a married man dies childless, the widow must not marry a stranger outside of the family. Instead, the dead man’s brother must marry the widow. If the brother refuses to marry the […]

Google Romance

3. What is Soulmate Search? Here on the Google Romance team, we follow the philosophy “Don’t be medieval,” so we brought only the latest psychographic and search algorithms to bear on the problem of hooking up our users. First you fill out an extensive personal profile carefully designed by a team of both married and […]

Word Puzzle Fireplace

Some people put a painting or a mirror on the wall above their fireplace. Here’s a novel idea that creates a dramatic focal point. Letters of the alphabet are applied on the wall with paint stamps to form a word puzzle. Visitors to your home will love finding the hidden words that can be found […]

Overheard in New York: The Voice of the City – They Started at the Mystery Section

Girl: Excuse me, do you have any biographies of TuPac?Library guy: Probably, though they’d be with the other biographies on the second floor.Dude: But isn’t this the fiction section?Library guy: It is. You might be able to find some books about him in non-fiction.Girl: “Non-fiction”?Library guy: Non-fiction means true.Dude: …And fiction means false.Library guy: Sort […]

nabisco’s website is lame-ass

and i told them so, in a recent email: okay, where to start? oh, how about here: first of all, this form is rediculous. TOO MANY REQUIRED FIELDS. WTF? secondly, it says to “Include all of your thoughts, ideas or comments below.” ALL of my thoughts? are you serious? thirdly, what i dug around your […]

Five years of Mac OS X

In retrospect, it seems almost ridiculously implausible that Apple’s prodigal son, thrown out of the company in 1985, would spend the next twelve years toiling away in relative obscurity on technology that would literally save the company upon his return. (Oh, and he also converted an orphaned visual effects technology lab into the most powerful […]