watch this amazing TED talk on sea creatures — and be sure to stay to the end (about 3 minutes?) for an octopus that can perfectly camouflage himself.
according to J2, a woman who is great with child is “pregnick”
Being a Theistic Evolutionist without contradiction
First of all this suggests that Humans were the expected outcome of God’s creation and while it is easy to understand this flawed logic, after all, we are the outcome of God’s creation, this should not be confused with a forward looking goal. In fact, it is easy to argue that God’s Creation was set […]
i’m like the appendix
‘It is possible that in a nomadic setting, a boy with this allele might be able to more effectively defend livestock against raiders or locate food and water sources, but that the same tendencies might not be as beneficial in settled pursuits such as focusing in school, farming or selling goods,’ Assistant Professor Eisenberg said. […]
Links for 6/9/08 [my NetNewsWire tabs]
The Daily Detour: Who’s the Good Samaritan? Indy Insights: Fogo Not To Be Fo-gotten GSI Outdoor Ultralight Dualist Cook System from Versions – Mac Subversion Client Flip Video Mino Series Camcorder, 60 Minutes (White): Electronics dog with boobs on Flickr – Photo Sharing! Cabinet on Flickr – Photo Sharing! RepRap universal constructor achieves […]
you know, for listening to fruit on
so, whenever we go to pizza king, J2 always wants a couple quarters, so that he can play some music on the “juice box”
dark guns
…shoot “darks”, according to J2
evolution. repeatable. in a lab.
well, that just about proves it then, doesn’t it? evolution in a lab
so, that’s what J2 yells, instead of “open sesame” when we approach an automatically opening door.
you know what else is cool?
so, once, when he lived in arizona — a place so hot that they think 90 degrees f is “kinda nice out” — he was leaving his apartment with xbox under his arm, on his way to a LAN party. (yes, he now works in IT) anyway, outside his apartment, in the hallway, was an […]
so i’m on line at the gas station, waiting to pre pay, and this 6 foot 7 black dood in a brown velvet track suit comes in, talking loudly on his cell phone LISTEN MAN, I TOLD YOU — YOU CAN DO DAT SHIT, BUT DO NOT GET CAUGHT I BE FUCKING ALL MY GIRL’S […]